MUAY-THAI / Our national sport
Train as a real nak muay in the homeland of Muay-Thai and meet our top coaches ! They will help you to become a true champion or simply to discover this amazing sport.
The greatest muay-thai fighters are daily stopping by the Venum Training Camp to feel the unique atmosphere and train with the best. You may have the chance to meet Sittichai, the current greatest muay-thai fighter or even others champions from the Venum Team like Samy Sana etc.
CROSSTRAINING CLASSES / Get in the best shape of your life
VTC’s Crosstraining classes will develop muscles you can actually use, not just show. Utilizing compound lifts with kettlebells, barbells and bodyweight exercises, Crosstraining classes will develop real strength and fitness for real life. This is the ideal discipline for beginners and those who want to go further and progress.
It takes the best from high-intensity interval training, olympic weighlifting, powerlifting, gymnastics, girevoy sports, calisthenics, strongman and more.
MUAY-THAI / Our national sport
Train as a real nak muay in the homeland of Muay-Thai and meet our top coaches ! They will help you to become a true champion or simply to discover this amazing sport.
The greatest muay-thai fighters are daily stopping by the Venum Training Camp to feel the unique atmosphere and train with the best. You may have the chance to meet Sittichai, the current greatest muay-thai fighter or even others champions from the Venum Team like Samy Sana etc.